How To Market Yourself Online
(without ads, algorithms or social media audiences)

watch the free training with Shannon Mattern now

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This is your final opportunity to get the Website Marketing Lab at its lowest price ever.

Learn how to market yourself without ads, SEO, social media (or feeling like a total impostor)

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

Finally, you can confidently market yourself + get found online without ads, SEO or posting on social media!

do any of these sound familiar?

If you're like "OMG, how did she know?!?!"
then keep reading because you're in the right place!

This business isn't just a hobby for you... this is how you're gonna make a living (or get to the next level).

Whether it’s a new business or one you’re expanding online – this business is your dream, and you’re totally willing to put in the work for the freedom, flexibility and financial independence that comes from being self-employed.

You’ve read all the blog posts, listened to all the podcasts and taken all the free marketing trainings that show up in your Facebook feed…

…but instead of feeling educated + empowered, you feel more confused and overwhelmed than ever. It feels like there are still pieces missing…

You wish someone would just give you a step-by-step plan to market yourself that actually works (and be there to answer your questions) so you can get clients without feeling like an annoying, fake salesperson.

Imagine that you actually look forward to marketing yourself because you know how to do it, it feels natural, and you don’t feel like an impostor anymore.

and you're confident you're doing it right.

Building your website is actually the easy part. The marketing part is what trips 95% of people up.

If you’re one of the few DIYers who manages to get out of perfection-mode and actually go live, without the right system you risk wasting a bunch of time and money on hyped-up strategies and tactics that won’t work for where you’re at in your business.

And when you’re doing all the things but nothing is working, you can make the critical mistake of thinking you need to rebrand, redesign and start over (when all you ever needed was the right system in the first place).

Without guidance and support, it can be easy to just keep tweaking your website for months and never actually get any clients, which is exactly why I created the...

A six-module course that walks you step by step through a proven system for marketing yourself online + getting clients without ads, algorithms or social media audiences.

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

“Shannon, it’s been an exciting week! (weeks?!) I’m gaining traffic to my site and increasing signups to my email list. Getting in the flow of writing content (blogs and email). Just now received a deposit from literally, MY IDEAL CLIENT! It’s happening!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

– ELYSE ROBERTSON, Websites for Wellness

BEFORE the Website Marketing Lab

AFTER the Website Marketing Lab

“One of my marketing experiments led to a contract for regular consulting for six months. The value of your course is incredible.

– ANDREA SHIREY, One Nine Design

I'll show you how to:

“I used Shannon’s 111 Method marketing strategy to land an interview with a well-known influencer in the decorative painting world! I’m so excited thank you Shannon!”

Jayne Whittles – Jayne Whittles, Decorative Painter + Wholesale Paint Supplier at Chalk Mercantile + Autentico Paint USA

here's what you'll do:

Step 1: Learn the Core Strategies

Watch or listen to step-by-step video trainings that break down how to find your ideal client online, get their attention, get them onto your email list, build trust and turn them into a customer.

Step 2: Make your Freebie + Set Up Your Tech

Make your freebie, implement the ICTA + TYP Strategies on your website, set up a strategic welcome email automation with templates, swipe files and tech tutorials to support you along the way.

Step 3: Start the 111 Marketing Method

Start the 111 Method and take 3 simple weekly steps to connect with your ideal client online, get their attention and get them back to your website.

Step 4: Measure Your Results + Make Adjustments

Measure your results so that you can do more of what’s working, stop wasting time on what’s not working and know exactly what what to tweak to improve (instead of thinking your business idea sucks and giving up on it altogether.)  

Step 5: Make + Validate Your Offers

Do the Subscriber to Sale Blueprint training and learn how to validate your offers BEFORE you spend time creating them, along with take + tweak templates for your sales emails and swipe copy for your sales page. Start making offers and getting customers!

Anytime: Get Feedback + Help As Needed

You can go at your own pace, but you don’t have to go it alone. Use the Facebook Group + the weekly Live Q&A on Zoom to get feedback from me on your work, collaborate with other Website Marketing lab students and share your wins and get help when you get stuck.

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

“Before I found the Website Marketing Lab, I had no idea how to market my website. Everything I was doing did not work at all. I spent lots of money for training for SEO and worked hard on it but never saw any results for my hard work. Shannon has given me a plan and strategy that works, and I’m taking action. I feel very confident now that I am actually moving in the direction to help family caregivers.”

– DONNA HARRIS, Donna The Crazy Caregiver, Elderly Caregiving E-Course

here's how I'll support you:

plus these 4 bonuses:

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

“Before joining the Website Marketing Lab, I felt scattered and unsure of where I was taking my business. I also struggled with imposter syndrome and feeling as if what I was creating and putting out in the world had all been done before. The Website Marketing Lab taught me how to market myself through real and authentic connections that are worth 1000x more than trying to get people to blindly follow you on social media.  This program has taken an impatient girl and made her see the possibilities and the benefits of being patient with the awesome process that Shannon lays out!”

– KELLI FEMRITE, The Working Mom Collective

A proven system for marketing yourself online + getting clients without ads, algorithms or social media audiences.​

Learn how to market yourself without ads, SEO, social media (or feeling like a total impostor)


Save $176 when you pay in full



Save $176 when you pay in full


“Before joining the Website Marketing Lab, I was struggling with getting email subscribers. I had made freebies in the past, but it was not from a place of truly solving my client’s problem and providing a lot of value. I was afraid of giving too much away. Shannon provided so much value in her free training that joining the Website Marketing Lab was a no brainer. I had never heard the strategy Shannon teaches to create a freebie and its brilliant. Now I’m so much more confident when I create content because it’s coming from a place that I know truly benefits my clients, not just from a place of ‘trying to get subscribers‘.”

– KAYLA EGGENBERGER, Free 5 Day To-Do List Detox

the time is now!

The Website Marketing Lab is closing forever very soon...this is the last time you will be able to get access to this curriculum and support at this price.

After having worked with over 200 students over the past two years…so much has changed. Not the strategies and tactics I teach inside the Website Marketing Lab…

But the massive mindset shifts I’ve personally made in my business that have resulted in mind-blowing results.

So the Website Marketing Lab is getting a re-design so that you get the benefit of everything I’ve personally learned over the past couple of years that helped me increase my revenue by 7x in the past year.

The curriculum itself won’t change, because like I said, the strategies and tactics still work and it’s unlike anything anyone else is teaching about how to market yourself online.

But it’s gonna get reorganized for maximum results.

And all the places where people got stuck? GONE.

You’ll get new ways of thinking about marketing.

New frameworks.

New bonuses to help you with your marketing mindset.

New opportunities for deeper support.

And a NEW NAME that truly reflects the journey you’re taking your customer on.

And with all of that comes an entirely new pricing structure that lets you choose the level of support you need on your journey.

👉🏻 And if you’re wondering if the price of the program is going to increase with all these changes, the answer is…


But here’s the BEST part:

All Website Marketing Lab students who are enrolled on July 1, 2021 will get access to the equivalent level of the new program at NO ADDITIONAL charge!

🔥🔥🔥 If you’ve been on the fence about joining the Website Marketing Lab, now’s the time.

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Join Risk Free.

I’m going to walk you through how to market yourself so that you can create a successful and profitable online business. And if you take action on what I show you, you will make progress. But I also want you to feel totally confident in trying it out for yourself which is why you can join the Website Marketing Lab 100% risk free.

You can try the Website Marketing Lab for 14 days and if you aren’t satisfied, just ask me for a full refund before the end of the 14th day, no questions asked.

I trust in your integrity, I’m confident that you’ll only join the Website Marketing Lab because you’re confident it’s the plan and support you need to actually get some momentum in your business, and that you’re not a jerk who abuses refund policies.

To read the full refund policy, click here.

If you have more questions about whether or not the Website Marketing Lab is right for YOU, please email me at and ask.

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

“Before I found the Website Marketing Lab I was struggling with marketing my services and products, specifically how to paint a compelling picture of what I’m offering. Since joining, I’ve learned how to tell my story and offer my audience the value THEY want, need and appreciate (even when they might not even know they want or need it)! The Website Marketing Lab has given me the tools to build trust online.


Imagine going to bed on Sunday night and not dreading going to work on Monday morning.

What if you never have another soul-sucking day at the office? What if you never waste another hour of your life in rush hour traffic ever again?

What if you worked for yourself, on your own schedule? What if you made a living doing work you love, every single day?

It’s totally possible, and you’ll learn how you can make that happen for yourself inside Website Marketing Lab.

here's where you have a choice...

You can skip this opportunity to join the Website Marketing Lab for the last time at the lowest price ever and join the new program at the full price later once you get tired of trying to figure out how to get traffic + subscribers and customers on your own…

Or you can take advantage of this one-time offer and create. a clear plan to market your business, get website traffic, subscribers and customers and start seeing results in just a few months.

I mean, think about where you want to be 6 months or a year from now…

Do you have a step-by-step plan on how to get there?

If you’re ready to stop dabbling and with your online business and turn it into some real income, then the Website Marketing Lab is the course that will change everything for you.

Your side hustle success story starts right now.

See you on the inside!

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

you can do this even if you're...


Unlike a lot of other marketing courses that leave you to figure out all the tech for yourself, I break down how to set up + use all of the tech you need to market your business online. There’s also a tech library with how-to videos for all the tools you’re likely to need to set up. 


I’m not gonna lie, you are going to have to make put time into this. You can’t just build a website, throw up a sales page, walk away and make money while you sleep. But when you have a clear, step by step path and you know exactly what you need to be working on at this stage in your business (and what you don’t need to be working on) you accomplish WAY more in the time that you have that you would without a clear plan.


You can keep jumping from course to course to course and watch your bank account dwindle while not seeing results… or you can make this small investment in your business and not only make your investment back with your first sales, but also save so much money in the long-term by having a proven plan and doing things correctly from the start rather than trying to figure it all out on your own. 

A proven system for marketing yourself online + getting clients without ads, algorithms or social media audiences.​


Save $176 when you pay in full 



Save $176 when you pay in full 


“Shannon helped me change how I think about marketing, and now I have specific and simple steps to follow that allow me to feel like an authentic person who isn’t trying to get money from everyone. I know I have a specific audience that will benefit from what I have to offer, and I have tools to talk to them in a way that is genuine and meaningful to them, rather than in a way that is annoying and sales-y.”

– TIA HAYCOCK, Tia’s Leos

how to start

Step 1: Enroll in the Website Marketing Lab

Choose a payment option. You can pay in full for the most savings, or be billed monthly. Once you choose your payment plan you’ll be redirected to the secure checkout page. You can pay with either your credit card or Paypal for either option. 

Step 2: You'll get an email with all the details.

Check your email. I’ll send you a link to the course dashboard, login info, an invitation to the Facebook Group, instructions on how to set up the Private Student Podcast, and exactly what to do first to get started. 

Step 3: You'll get instant access to the entire course.

Watch the lessons and do the work. If you have questions just pop into the Facebook Group and ask and our team will support you!

Pay just $97 today plus 8 additional monthly payments of $97
or pay in full for $697 and save an additional $176)

Shannon, your advice on my thank you page was spot on. I’m amazed how many more people are engaging and I’m getting invaluable info! There’s no stopping me now! Thank you Shannon for all of your support!!! Said this many times, but I’m gonna say this again, without your patience and generous support, I wouldn’t have been able to make this happen. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Mari Suzuki – Kitchen Wizard Flexipes

frequently asked questions

I’m confident that after you implement what you learn inside the Website Marketing Lab, your website will get targeted traffic, your email list will grow, and you’ll know exactly how to market yourself, make offers and get clients. If you’re still on the fence about enrolling, let me help you make a decision one way or another.

Here’s what people are asking me before saying yes to the Website Marketing Lab

It doesn’t need to be done before you join, but you’ll need a Home and About page up to start the marketing experiments inside the program. Seriously, just two pages. That’s all you really need to get started.

In fact, what you’ll learn inside the Website Marketing Lab will help you finish your website even stronger so that as soon as you take down that coming soon page you will know exactly what your next steps are to start driving traffic to your site and start building that email list!

Nope! While that’s what I teach in my Free 5 Day Website Challenge, you do not have to use WordPress to execute the strategies I teach in the Website Marketing Lab.

Where you might need to do some extra research is when I teach something in the tech library that’s WordPress-specific, but I can assure you that there are ways to do the same thing on other platforms.

If that’s you and you get stuck, that’s what the Website Marketing Lab Facebook Group is for – you and I will put our heads together to figure out the best way forward for you.

The Website Marketing Lab is for people who are new to online marketing, not just new to online business. If you’re really clear on your ideal client and you’ve been in business many years then you’ll be able to move a little bit faster through some of the exercises that we’ll leverage later in our marketing experiments than people who are newer to online business.

The course is self-paced, there is no weekly commitment.

The course is designed to be highly structured – you move through it in order, you complete your action steps in order and that can totally be done on your own timeline, as fast or slow as you want to go!

Whether you join the Website Marketing Lab or not, at some point it’s time to shift a big chunk of the time you’re spending learning skills, tactics and strategies to MARKETING so that you can start getting results.

That’s what we do in the Website Marketing Lab. I’ve bought a lot of online courses too (I love learning!!) and what I’ve found is that I’m always going back to them to hone a specific skill I need to learn to as I’m taking action in my business.

The Website Marketing Lab can help you start taking action on things you’ve already learned in other courses, and those other courses can be an awesome resource for you as you move forward in marketing and growing your business!

You don’t have to know exactly how you’re going to monetize before you get started building an audience.

And if you build an audience FIRST before you have anything to sell, that benefits you in a few ways – you’ll have people to ask to validate that you’re selling what they want, you have people you can ask to beta test, and you have people you can launch to. It’s a great idea to build the list BEFORE you build the product!!

Nope, because we’ll actually work on that in even more depth inside of Website Marketing Lab. And you’ll have the opportunity to get feedback on what you create and tech tutorials to help you create it.

Seriously, you do not have to figure this all out on your own!

Some weeks will be lighter than others, but plan to set aside 5-10 hours a week on average. That’s what you’ll need to commit to the marketing work we’re doing to really see results. If that’s an hour or two a day during the week or a big chunk of time on the weekend, it really doesn’t matter as long as you take action.

Inside the Website Marketing Lab, I have short, to the point tech tutorials that teach you exactly what you need to know to create your freebie and market yourself.

They’ll walk you through the tools you’ll use to create your freebie.

Most importantly, I teach you how to keep it super simple (and still deliver tons of value).

The bare minimum you need to successfully implement what you learn is a website, an email service provider (there are free and paid options) and graphic design software (Canva has free and paid options).  

Nope! Part 1 of the Website Marketing Lab will teach you how to figure out what to create for a freebie, show you how to make it and show you how to set up all the tech.

And yes, you do need a website to be able implement what you learn in this course, which I teach you how to build inside of the Free 5 Day Website Challenge.

You will need to have your website and freebie complete before you start the Marketing Experiments in Part 2 of this course.

Some people find that having clarity on their marketing and marketing plan actually helps them build their website.

There is no such thing as getting behind. Follow each module and complete each action step in order – on your own timeline.

You know as well as I do that the world is not perfect. Life is going to happen, the only thing that matters is that you pick up where you left off and that you don’t stop.

And if you need some strategies to help you make sure you make time for the work and complete it, you’re gonna love the Painless Planning bonus you get when you enroll!

When they happen, they will be on a Tuesday at 2PM EST. If you can’t make it live, you can post your question in the Live Q&A thread that I post every week and I’ll answer it live.

If you ask your question, our team will answer it. The group is not for you to connect with your peers, its for us to support you.

Yes! Here’s the Refund Policy. There’s a 14-day no questions asked refund policy – all you gotta do is email me and let me know you want a refund (I promise I’m super nice about it!) I trust that you’re not just trying to rip me off and that you’ll ask for a refund if you legit get in the program and find that it’s not right for you. I do recommend giving yourself a full 90 days to learn, build and start taking action to get traffic. But you’re cool with that because you’re in it for the long-haul, right?

When you enroll, you’ll get a bonus workshop all about how to plan your time so that you can execute on the action steps. Its the same strategy I used while growing my business alongside my full-time job, and the one I still follow today.

What you do inside the Website Marketing Lab is more than what you get in a typical course. 

You’re not just learning concepts, you’re taking action.

It’s a step-by-step roadmap to help you find your ideal client online, create an irresistible freebie to get them to your website and onto your email list and help you identify the marketing strategies that work best for you and your target audience.

Plus you have the opportunity to get 1:1 strategy and advice for your unique business during the weekly live Q&A’s.

No other marketing course out there will give you this much support for this price.

And the price is going WAY up after this promotion ends.

If you are consistently adding 100 email subscribers or more a month with what you’re currently doing, then the Website Marketing Lab may be too beginner for you. If not, it’s probably just what you need!

The Website Marketing Lab is designed to take something that can be really overwhelming for someone whose expertise isn’t marketing and breaks it down in small action steps that you take in order.

You watch a short video module, learn a concept, and take action on it – and there are video tutorials on any tech you need to learn to execute the action steps in the Tech Library. If you can follow the steps, you can do it!

Inside the Website Marketing Lab, I teach the 5 Step Formula for Marketing Your Online Business, and some of the steps involve social media.

I’ll teach you methods to use social media effectively to get the attention of your ideal audience and make signing up for your email list a no-brainer.

You’re not gonna be spending all your time on social media. You’ll use it very strategically while you’re doing marketing experiments.

In order for social media to be effective, you need to know exactly what your audience wants and how to get their attention (and how to build an algorithm-proof relationship with them outside social media). That’s what you’ll learn how to do in the Website Marketing Lab.

It’s self-paced, so it’s never really “over” so you can ask for help any time.

There’s a weekly Live Q&A in the Facebook group (you can even join the livestream and we can talk face to face!) that you can take advantage of at any time (you get lifetime access) and I’m in the Facebook Group a few times a week answering your questions.

The FB group isn’t for you to help each other (although it happens and it’s awesome) but its for me to be able to help you (and have the whole group benefit from hearing the answers to your questions!

You get instant, lifetime access to the entire course and any bonuses you’re entitled to.

That’s pretty common! It used to be that Facebook groups were a great place to market your freebie, but more and more people aren’t allowing any kind of promotion in their groups.

The good news is that the methods I teach you to market yourself online and get your freebie in front of your ideal client online doesn’t require you to market your freebie in Facebook groups (or buy ads on social media).

Your ideal client doesn’t have to be tech savvy to buy online, they just have to be online to buy online. A 2017 Truth About Online Consumers report found that Baby Boomers shop more online than millennials! The Website Marketing Lab will help you figure out where your ideal client is spending their time online so that you can get their attention.

If you’re certain that your ideal client is not online, then the Website Marketing Lab is not for you.

Great question! I believe that online marketing can work for any niche, and we have a wide range of people serving all kinds niches inside the program.

But I’d love for you to send me an email ( and let me know what your niche is and I’ll give you my honest opinion.

I only want you inside the course if you can feel confident that it’s right for you!

I’m not just teaching you a bunch of concepts in this course that you have to figure out how to implement on your own. I’m teaching you what works, why it works, and then walking you through the exact action steps to execute on what works.

Those action steps result in you creating a shareworthy freebie – something tangible that you can give away in exchange for an email address. Then, you’re going to get a workbook for every marketing experiment that walks you step by step through another series of action steps to market that freebie online.

There’s no grey-area, no wondering what to do or how to do it. It’s me telling you exactly what to do to market yourself.

It’s pretty black and white – if you do the action steps, you’ll get email subscribers. If you don’t do the action steps, you won’t get email subscribers.

Hi, I'm Shannon!

When first I started my business, I had zero website traffic, zero email list subscribers and zero customers. All I had was an idea that could help people (and a strong desire to change my life).

Back in 2014 I was sitting in my beige, windowless office at my day job, staring at a mind-numbing spreadsheet and on the verge of having a panic attack thinking, “Is this it? Is this all there is?

I decided to start my own freelance web design business, started teaching entrepreneurs how to DIY and eventually made enough money to replace my six-figure corporate salary.

I created the Website Marketing Lab because I kept hearing from my DIY web design students that they were stuck.

They’d taken other online business courses that taught them how to turn their passion and expertise into a business, but they still didn’t know how how to get traffic and market the amazing programs + services they’d created. 

So I decided to show them the exact steps I’d used to market and grow my online-course/service-based business from 0 to six figures (while still working full time).

The Website Marketing Lab gave them a simple, ongoing system for marketing their businesses, getting website traffic, building their email lists, building trust, making offers, and getting clients.

That core strategy is what I’ll show you inside of the Website Marketing Lab. 

here's what people say about working with me:

I love how you teach step by step, instead of telling us concepts, tips and tricks. We walk away with a real website because you literally walk us through step by step, practically holding our hands. Your laid back style of teaching is amazing.” – Cassie Dockery

You give so much value that it’s hard to believe and I want to do the same thing for my business. Thank you for your support and help. You gave me knowledge, advice but mostly inspiration and the why.” – Claudia

Wow! You leave me speechless with all of the support you give to your clients #goals. I am so glad that I reached out. Thank you for your valuable plan of action! I’m excited to get started with the Website Marketing Lab!” – Bertha Delgadillo

Thank you so much for everything you have taught me (and all of us) you truly are remarkable and I am so grateful to have found a marketing teacher I like and trust. You do have a folder in my emails!!” – Kimberley Hiner

Can’t thank you enough for the 5 Day Website Challenge. I set up a website a YEAR ago and had so many questions left unanswered by the course I was doing, I just gave up and left it. You have answered all the questions that were on my mind so far and I’m still working through day one! It was exactly the kind of course I was looking for and at last I have found you!!” – Janice Carmichael

Your attitude is so refreshing. All your advice is SO wholesome & it’s so great to hear someone NOT talk about relying on ads or doing anything that was pushy & didn’t feel aligned & still thriving in business.” – Dark House Candle Company

I am so grateful that you were doing what you do and who you are when I came across you in 2015. I don’t know what I would have done with out you, seriously! It’s because of you I even had a business… a website, being able to share content, sell programs, take payments etc. You’ve been my go-to for all website stuff!” – Emily Brown 

I’d love to help you too! If you have any questions about whether the Website Marketing Lab is right for you, please reach out.