Yes!!! The 3-Part Masterclass Series is on its way to your inbox. You're gonna love it!

But before you go… I’d love to give you a ONE-TIME chance to get my full Web Designer Academy at its lowest price.

The Web Designer Academy is a year-long mentorship program to help you create a profitable web design business.

Pay just $197 today plus 11 8 additional monthly payments of $197 (or save $76 when you pay in full for $1997 $1697) No Thanks! Take me to the “How to Start a Freelance Web Design Biz” Masterclass!

Finally book your dream web design clients + get paid what you're worth (even if you're a total introvert with no portfolio).

do any of these sound familiar?

If you're like "OMG, how did she know?!?!"
then keep reading because you're in the right place!

What if you could market your web design business without a portfolio?

What if you were able to create a web design business that enables you to stop competing on skillset and price and transforms you from “pixel-pusher for hire” to valued partner.

What if you had a step-by-step roadmap of exactly how to market your web design business and get clients and you never felt like an annoying, pushy salesperson?

And what if you had someone who could answer your specific questions about your business and your client projects all along the way?

Here's what your freelance web design business is about to look like:

and you're confident you're doing it right.

Building websites is the easy part. It's when you throw clients into the mix that things get messy.

When you start working with clients, all the questions come up, like:

How much do I charge? What should be in my contract? What do I do about hosting? How do I get them to give me content so I can actually design the website? How do I get them to stop trying to add stuff on to our project? What if no one wants to pay me this much? What if they want something I don’t know how to do? What if, what if, what if?

Without the right systems, guidance and support, you can find yourself burnt out, resentful and making less than you did at your day job, which is exactly why I created the...

A year-long mentorship program that will teach you how to create a profitable web design business.

Say goodbye to thinking you have to work for free to build your portfolio because your new step-by-step plan to book dreamy clients who pay you what you’re worth is waiting!

The Web Designer Academy is all about helping you position your skillset so that you stand out from all the other web designers out there – and market yourself in an authentic way so that you can confidently book new projects and turn your clients into raving fans.

“Shannon, it’s been an exciting week! (weeks?!) I’m gaining traffic to my site and increasing signups to my email list. Getting in the flow of writing content (blogs and email). Just now received a deposit from literally, MY IDEAL CLIENT! It’s happening!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

– ELYSE ROBERTSON, Websites for Wellness

BEFORE the Web Designer Academy

AFTER the Web Designer Academy

“I hesitated to join the Web Designer Academy because I worried about investing in yet another course not getting get the results I was looking for… Now I get compliments from clients on how organized and professional my process is! The Web Designer Academy helped me learn how to pick the right niche for my services and get over my fear of doing consultations and managing projects. I know I can tackle projects that used to be intimidating to me before joining the Web Designer Academy.


I'll show you how to:

“I love the group coaching calls. I get a ton of value out of that one hour a month. Not only getting feedback from Shannon, but I learn so much from my fellow participants and find that I often have the same struggles as they do or it sparks something I hadn’t thought about.”


here's what you'll do:

Step 1: Design Your Dream Web Design Business

In the first three modules you’ll take a deep dive into the full Web Designer Academy Method that gives you the big picture of how you’re going to confidently and authentically market yourself, find your dream clients, charge what you’re worth, book amazing projects and easily over-deliver on results for your clients.

Step 2: Create + Price Your Services

Four pricing + packaging lessons that go into detail on how much to charge so that you can stop being a pixel pusher for hire, stop charging by the hour and increase the amount of money you’re able to make on projects.

Step 3: Set Up Your Systems + Processes

Five project management lessons breaking down every single phase of completing a web design project, including consultations, contracts, getting paid, getting content, development and closing projects on time and walking you through setting up your systems to make it easy.

Step 4: Master Your Marketing Plan

Three foundational marketing lessons breaking down each phase of your marketing plan in full detail so that you know exactly how to set yourself apart from all the other web designers out there and attract your ideal clients.

Step 5: Book Your First (or Next) Web Design Client

Know exactly what to say and do to book clients with a consultation intake form template + script, contract, proposal + pricing template, content checklist template, project kickoff meeting script + checklist, project management schedule + process map, development checklist template, project close email template, and more!

Plus One Year of Mentorship

Use the Facebook Group + the weekly Live Q&A on Zoom to get feedback from me on your work, collaborate me and other students and share your wins and get help when you get stuck.

Thanks for the feedback on my upcoming client consultation Shannon! This really helped! I feel a lot more prepared now. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide this additional guidance! 💕

– Shanna Walsh

here's how I'll support you:

plus these 3 bonuses:

here's what you'll learn:

“I just wanted to say that I found last week’s call really helpful. I was struggling with my ideal client and you said something to another student that helped me figure it out and now I’m ready to implement!”

– Mariela Cabezas

The Web Designer Academy is a year-long mentorship program to help you create a profitable web design business.



ONE PAYMENT OF $1997 $1697

Save $76 when you pay in full


how long it takes:

How long it takes for you to get your first (or next) client depends on you and your current situation.

The course is self-paced so you can go as fast or slow as you want. Some students have booked their first web design client in the first week of the course, but most students go live with their web design business in 12-16 weeks.

Some people like to have their whole system set up before they start marketing themselves, others like to build their systems as they no. It’s totally up to you and I’m here to support you either way.

I recommend you set aside 5-10 hours per week to go through the program and do the work.

You might be thinking you should wait to join the Web Designer Academy until the timing is right... but there's no better time than now to get help with your freelance web design business!

starting now will allow you to....

  • Avoid all the mistakes that other freelance web designers make that leave them burnt out and broke.
  • Overcome the mindset traps that have you charging by the hour and worried that people can’t afford to hire a web designer.
  • Get help from day one from an actual web designer + online marketing expert (that’s me!) who has been exactly where you are (starting to grow her web design business from scratch) and is where you ultimately want to be (self-employed, debt-free and making a living doing what she loves).
  • Dramatically cut down the time it takes for you to get your first client.

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Join Risk Free.

I’m going to walk you through how create a successful and profitable web design business. And if you take action on what I show you, you will make progress. But I also want you to feel totally confident in trying it out for yourself which is why you can join the Web Designer Academy 100% risk free.

You can try the Website Marketing Lab for 30 days and if you aren’t satisfied, just ask me for a full refund before the end of the 30th day, no questions asked.

I trust in your integrity, I’m confident that you’ll only join the Web Designer Academy because you’re confident it’s the plan and support you need to actually get some momentum in your business, and that you’re not a jerk who abuses refund policies.

To read the full refund policy, click here.

If you have more questions about whether or not the Web Designer Academy is right for YOU, please email me at and ask.

I honestly can’t believe how much work I have gotten done over the past 12 weeks and that I have a real web design business, marketing funnel, and a plan for effective marketing! I genuinely believe in what I am doing and believe that my business will fill a gap for my audience! Let’s do this!

– Candice Zakariya

Imagine going to bed on Sunday night and not dreading going to work on Monday morning.

What if you never have another soul-sucking day at the office? What if you never waste another hour of your life in rush hour traffic ever again?

What if you worked for yourself, on your own schedule? What if you made a living designing websites for clients you admire + respect, every single day?

It’s totally possible, and you’ll learn how you can make that happen for yourself inside the Web Designer Academy.

here's where you have a choice...

You can skip this opportunity to join the Web Designer Academy at the lowest price you’ll find, dive right into the masterclass series that’s on its way to your inbox, get started on your own and then join the Web Designer Academy at the full price later once you get tired of trying to figure out how to get clients + set boundaries and manage projects and charge what you’re worth all on your own…

Or you can take advantage of this one-time offer, learn the entire Web Designer Academy method, kick your impostor syndrome to the curb, start implementing a proven plan to market your web design business, and start seeing results in just a couple months.

I mean, think about where you want to be 6 months from now… or a year from now.

Do you have a step-by-step plan on how to get there?

If you’re ready to stop wishing you were a freelance web designer and actually start getting clients, then the Web Designer Academy is the course that will change everything for you.

Your web design business success story starts right now.

See you on the inside!

you can do this even if ...


If you’re worried about being responsive to your clients while you have to be responsive to your boss, I get it. My freelance web design business was a side hustle for three years and I figured out how to set up systems, processes and boundaries that allowed me to serve my clients in a way that worked for my schedule and still deliver an amazing experience for them. That’s what I’ll show you how to do inside the Web Designer Academy.


You don’t have to have a formal web design education to be of massive value to your clients! Do you know how to design websites? Do you know how to solve problems? Do you know how to find answers and get help when you need it? There will never be a web design project you take on where there isn’t a new challenge you haven’t seen before that you have to figure out, whether you have a degree or not. If you’re committed to your clients, you will be fine.


You do not need a portfolio to get clients. A portfolio is not the only way to build credibility as a web designer!  Sure, once you get a few dream clients projects done you can proudly display your hard work on your website – but a portfolio is not required – and I’ll show you how to market yourself and get clients without a portfolio.



ONE PAYMENT OF $997 $1697

Save $76 when you pay in full 


I’m so thankful for the private student podcast because I’ve been unable to attend the live Q&A sessions. I listen to them very early while working out!

Sal Campos – Brand Visibility Marketing

how to start

Step 1: Enroll in the Web Designer Academy

Choose a payment option. You can pay in full for the most savings, or be billed monthly. Once you choose your payment plan you’ll be redirected to the secure checkout page. You can pay with either your credit card or Paypal for either option. 

Step 2: You'll get an email with all the details.

Check your email. I’ll send you a link to the course dashboard, login info, an invitation to the Facebook Group, instructions on how to set up the Private Student Podcast, and exactly what to do first to get started. 

Step 3: Log in and push play!

You get instant access to the entire course so that you can watch the lessons and do the work at your own pace.

I’ll send you a quick-start guide so you can dive right in, but you’ll also get a weekly email from me introducing each module.

I just went through the Web Designer Academy again and it was the best thing ever! I came across ideas, strategies and topics that I missed the first time!

– Katherine Gruenberg

frequently asked questions

I’m confident that the Web Designer Academy will take you from struggling to get clients, hustling 24/7 and not making the money you want to make to booking your dream clients, getting paid what you’re worth, and working on your own terms.

But you gotta be confident about it too! If you’re still on the fence about enrolling, let me help you make a decision one way or another.

Here’s what people are asking me before saying yes to the Web Designer Academy:

This is my favorite question to answer, because if there are a bajillion web designers out there, at least half of them (if not way more than that) have no idea how to actually care for customers and manage a web design project.


  • Disappearing in the middle of projects.
  • Leaving clients with a website they have no idea how to update and charging crazy fees to make the smallest of changes.
  • Delivering a website that’s basically a cast member of the Real Housewives – looks good but doesn’t do anything.

Name a nightmare scenario and I’ve heard it.

And you know what that means?

You have the opportunity to serve your clients at a higher level, knock their freaking socks off and get paid well to do it.

Nope! While that’s what my expertise is in, you do not have to use WordPress to execute the strategies I teach in the Web Designer Academy. We have students that build client sites on Wix + SquareSpace too!

Where you might need to do some extra research is when I teach time-saving development processes that are WordPress-specific, but I can assure you that there are ways to do the same thing on other platforms.

If that’s you and you get stuck, that’s what the Web Designer Academy Facebook Group is for – you and I will put our heads together to figure out the best way forward for you.

If you are happy with the clients you are getting, how much you’re making, your processes and how you interact with your clients, then yes, the Web Designer Academy is going to be too beginner for you.

But if you’re getting clients and you’re not happy with how your projects are going, you struggle to get content and feedback from clients and you end up working more hours than you’re getting paid for, the Web Designer Academy can help you with that.

If you’re really clear on your ideal client and you’ve been in business awhile, then you’ll be able to move a little bit faster through some of the marketing modules than people who are newer to freelance web design.

There is no such thing as being behind.​

I’m going to send you a weekly email for 12 weeks introducing each module and the action steps for that module, but you can totally move at your own pace.

The course is designed to be highly structured – you move through it in order, you complete your action steps in order and that can totally be done on your own timeline, as fast or slow as you want to go!

I’ve bought a lot of online courses too (I love learning!!) and what I’ve found is that I’m always going back to them to hone a specific skill I need to learn to as I’m taking action in my business.

The trainings inside the Web Designer Academy are specific to web designers, but the mentorship is what sets it apart from the other courses you’ve likely taken.

When you put together all the pieces of your web design business inside the Web Designer Academy, that foundation can help you start taking action on things you’ve already learned in other courses.

And those other courses can be an awesome resource for you as you move forward in marketing and growing your business!

One word: Mentorship.

What other program can you find that gives you a WordPress expert in your back pocket that can help you navigate any sticky or tricky situation you may find yourself in with a client or project.


  • My client got hacked and they are panicking! How do I get their site back?
  • My client is asking me to do something that I have no idea how to do. What do I do?
  • My client won’t give me the content I need to finish her website. What do I do?
  • My client wants me to drop everything to handle her emergency project. What do I do?
  • My client keeps adding to our project but wants the same launch date and there’s no way I can get this all done in time. What do I do?

But beyond mentorship, since The Web Designer Academy is specifically for web designers, every marketing lesson is going to be relevant to you.

I’ve taken premium business courses too, and they’re one-size fits all.

And if you’re anything like me, one-size-fits-all never actually fits you.

I’ll be giving you marketing strategies designed for web designers so that you don’t have to get lowballed on those freelancing websites (that also take a big cut of your fees) or advertise on Craigslist and field more inquiries from creepers than actual clients.

But beyond just marketing strategies, we go deep into how to confidently turn web design consultations in to clients – without feeling like you’re begging for work or being pushy.

And what’s really different than any other business-building course out there is that you’ll walk away with an effective process to onboard your clients and manage your web design projects (which is really how to train your clients in disguise).

The icing on the cupcake? You’ll understand how to create passive income with your web design skills so you have money coming in that’s independent of clients.

It makes sense that you’d think you’d need to show potential clients a gallery of websites you’ve designed and built to prove to them that you know how to do it…

But that’s what everyone else is doing and that’s why they’re clawing at each other for clients.

And that type of competition puts clients in a position to negotiate on price, leaving you feeling frustrated and resentful after booking a new client rather than excited and empowered.

Inside the Web Designer Academy, I’m going to teach you a totally different way to position yourself in the market so that you’re not competing on price – and it does not require a portfolio.

If you have a portfolio full of designs that you’re proud of – and you want to design and build more sites just like that, great! If not, no worries. You don’t need a portfolio.

Great question, and I get it. You’ve already got a million things (and maybe even a day job) on your plate.

You get instant access to all of the lessons the moment you enroll, so you can go at your own pace. I’ll send you an email every week that introduces the next lesson, but you don’t have to go at that pace. Just save them in a folder and when you have a free weekend, just start at the beginning and move through each module in order.

All of the modules are also inside a private student podcast so you can easily listen on the go, and then when you have time to sit down, you’re actually doing the action steps instead of watching videos.

And then you just need to set aside one hour every other week (Thursdays at 3PM EST) for the mentorship portion of the course. That’s where I’ll help you get unstuck and answer your questions, no matter where you’re at in the lessons.

Beyond that, it’s up to you how much time you put into every week.

Because it’s not time that you’re dedicating to the Web Designer Academy, it’s time you’re dedicating to building your business – and it’s different for everyone based on their goals.

You have lifetime access to the trainings, the Facebook group and replays of the all of the Group Coaching Calls. You get the mentorship piece for a full year.

But I can tell you this – your time won’t be wasted spinning your wheels feeling unsure if what you’re spending your time on is worth it. You’ll feel confident that every minute spent is helping you build a strong foundation for your business.

There are so many other awesome courses out there that will teach you the fundamentals (I recommend Skillcrush) so if learning to code is your main goal right now or you don’t already know how to build a website, you’re probably not ready for the Web Designer Academy just yet.

But before you go to sign up for a coding class, here’s a confession:

I’ve never taken a formal coding class. *Gasp*

In fact, I don’t really like to code. Yep, that’s right. I’m a web designer who codes as little as possible.

What you’ll do inside the Web Designer Academy is develop your own unique repeatable design/build process that you can customize to your clients so that you’re not coding every site from scratch.

In fact, you’re barely coding at all.

Because when you custom-code sites for clients, they are beholden to you for LIFE.

And not in a good way.

Like in a “I despise having to email you to ask you to make this change for me…” way.

And on the flip-side, you’re like “I can’t believe I have to stop what I’m doing to change this color on one word for her.

So I teach you a strategy for building websites for your clients that leave you BOTH empowered at the end of the project.

I know this answer will turn off the people that think their coding skills make them superior to all other humans and want to trap their clients into paying them for life, but the Web Designer Academy isn’t for them. It’s for you.

The dedicated, driven web designer who wants to take care of her clients. The one who feels like a proud parent as she watches her clients soak up all the love from their customers on launch day.

And if you’re still getting a little imposter syndrome from feeling like your coding or graphic design or copywriting skills aren’t up to par, that’s okay! I teach you in the Web Designer Academy how to partner with other people who have the skillset you’re lacking to design dreamy websites!

The bare minimum you need to successfully implement what you learn is a website, an email service provider (there are free and paid options) and graphic design software (Canva has free and paid options).  

There is no such thing as getting behind. Follow each module and complete each action step in order – on your own timeline.

You know as well as I do that the world is not perfect. Life is going to happen, the only thing that matters is that you pick up where you left off and that you don’t stop.

They happen every other Thursday for the first 12 weeks on Thursdays at 3PM EST, and then the next-to-last Thursday of the month for the next 9 months (unless there’s a holiday).

Our first one this session is October 17, 2019 and I’ll send you the full schedule when you enroll.

The Group Coaching sessions are the secret sauce of the program and I highly recommend that if you join, you do everything in your power to block time for as many group coaching sessions as you can. 

But if you can’t, you’ll still get access to the replays – and being able to hear others’ questions + struggles and my answers and guidance will still really help you move forward.

Because what I’ve found over the past few years of welcoming new students into the Academy – they all go through a very similar journey, get stuck at similar places and just knowing that you’re not alone, you’re normal and that there’s a solution can be huge to keeping you moving forward.

As long as you show up (either to Group Coaching  sessions or by posting your questions in the Facebook Group), I commit to giving you feedback.

I have time set aside most weekdays for my Facebook Groups, and I answer every single one of those questions every week.

I can assure you that I won’t leave you hanging!!

Yes! Here’s the Refund Policy. There’s a 30-day no questions asked refund policy – all you gotta do is email me and let me know you want a refund (I promise I’m super nice about it!)

I trust that you’re not just trying to rip me off and that you’ll ask for a refund if you legit get in the program and find that it’s not right for you.

I do recommend giving yourself a full 90 days to learn, build and start taking action. But you’re cool with that because you’re in it for the long-haul, right?

When you enroll in the Web Designer Academy, I’m giving you my Business Setup 101 Training where we’ll talk about choosing your legal Eentity, trademarks & copyrights, how to handle your money, accounting and taxes. This isn’t legal or financial or tax advice, I’m not a lawyer or a CPA or whatever (I’ll connect you with lawyers and CPAs who understand our business) – it’s just what you need to know to feel confident to get started.

What you do inside the Web Designer Academy is more than what you get in a typical business course. 

You’re not just learning concepts, you’re taking action.

It’s a step-by-step roadmap to help you create a profitable web design business end-to-end.

Plus you have the opportunity to get 1:1 strategy and advice for your unique business during the group coaching sessions.

No other online business course out there will give you this much support for this price.

If you are consistently booking clients you love, charging what you’re worth and completing projects on time on your own terms, then the Web Designer Academy may be too beginner for you. If not, it’s probably just what you need!

The Web Designer Academy is designed to take something that can be really overwhelming for someone whose expertise isn’t marketing or sales or project management, and breaks it down in small action steps that you take in order.

You watch or listen to a lesson, learn a concept, and take action on it. If you can follow the steps, you can do it!

It’s self-paced, so it’s never really “over” so you can ask for help any time.

The Group Coaching ends after 12 months.

But there’s also a monthly Live Q&A in the Facebook group (you can even join the livestream and we can talk face to face!) that you can take advantage of at any time (you get lifetime access) and I’m in the Facebook Group a few times a week answering your questions.

The FB group isn’t for you to help each other (although it happens and it’s awesome) but its for me to be able to help you (and have the whole group benefit from hearing the answers to your questions!

You get instant, lifetime access to the entire course and any bonuses you’re entitled to.

Weekly Live Q&A’s are open to anyone to show up and ask any questions. They are particularly useful after you’ve started working with clients and need help. Group Coaching is different. This is where you set goals, we work on overcoming any mindset issues stopping you, and get you focused on the actions you need to take to reach your goals. Group Coaching is for one year, Live Q&A’s are lifetime access.

I’m not just teaching you a bunch of concepts in this course that you have to figure out how to implement on your own. I’m teaching you what works, why it works, and then walking you through the exact action steps to execute on what works.

Those action steps result in you being able to build credibility without having to work for free or cheap to build a portfolio.

I’m also giving you access to the Website Marketing Lab as a bonus that walks you step by step through another series of action steps to market yourself online.

There’s no grey-area, no wondering what to do or how to do it. It’s me telling you exactly what to do to market yourself, get clients and manage projects.

It’s pretty black and white – if you do the action steps, you’ll get clients. If you don’t do the action steps, you won’t get clients.

Hi, I'm Shannon!

My first several freelance web design projects were a total grind that left me burnt out, frustrated and on the verge of giving up on my dream. I knew how to build websites, I just didn't know how to manage my clients...

My clients loved me (because I charged them practically nothing and I was available to them 24/7), but projects dragged on for months because they were too busy to get me what I needed to go live, but they wanted me to drop everything whenever they were ready! And I did…

I was BURNT. OUT. So I stopped working with clients and figured out a different way to monetize my web design skills… and to my surprise, I attracted my dream web design clients and fell back in love with my web design business!

This time, I hired a business coach to help me with the boundaries, and a systems and processes guru to help me with project management – and that’s when I dialed in the Web Designer Academy Method and started teaching it to other web designers!

That proven system of pricing, marketing and project management is exactly what I walk you through inside the Web Designer Academy.

here's what people say about working with me:

I love how you teach step by step, instead of telling us concepts, tips and tricks. Your laid back style of teaching is amazing.” – Cassie Dockery

You give so much value that it’s hard to believe and I want to do the same thing for my business. Thank you for your support and help. You gave me knowledge, advice but mostly inspiration and the why.” – Claudia

Wow! You leave me speechless with all of the support you give to your clients #goals. I am so glad that I reached out.” – Bertha Delgadillo

Thank you so much for everything you have taught me (and all of us) you truly are remarkable and I am so grateful to have found a marketing teacher I like and trust. You do have a folder in my emails!!” – Kimberley Hiner

Your attitude is so refreshing. All your advice is SO wholesome & it’s so great to hear someone NOT talk about relying on ads or doing anything that was pushy & didn’t feel aligned & still thriving in business.” – Dark House Candle Company

I am so grateful that you were doing what you do and who you are when I came across you in 2015. I don’t know what I would have done with out you, seriously! It’s because of you I even had a business…a website, being able to share content, sell programs, take payments etc. You’ve been my go-to for all website stuff!” – Emily Brown 

I’d love to help you too! If you have any questions about whether the Web Designer Academy is right for you, please reach out.