Hey there!👋

Our team, support and all product sales will be offline December 22 – January 3 for our annual holiday break. 🙌 Wishing you all a safe, happy, healthy holiday season from Team Shannon Mattern!

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Welcome to Day 1 of the 5 Day Website Marketing Challenge!!

This week I’m going to give you one action to take each day to kickstart your marketing.

But before we dive in…

I wanna share with you what I mean when I say “marketing”

Because it can mean a lot of different things.

When I talk about marketing, I’m NOT talking about promoting yourself and selling things.

I’m talking about:

  1. Letting your ideal customer know that you exist.
  2. Helping them understand how you can help them solve their problem or enhance their life.
  3. And giving them all the info they need to make the best decision for themselves about whether or not to buy from you.

So the good news…

(especially if you’re introverted or afraid to put yourself out there)

….is that marketing really has nothing to do with YOU.

Which probably sounds odd coming from the girl who tells you to put your FACE on your homepage and share your story on your About page, right?

But that’s not about you either.

It’s about helping your ideal customer build trust and get to know you as they make the best decision for THEM.

So if marketing has nothing to do with you, it’s a relief, right?

Your job is not to sell yourself or be found or prove your worth or put yourself out there.

Your job is to know your ideal client/customer/reader better than they know themselves.

Which leads me to your first BIG action step of the 5 Day Website Marketing Challenge:

You’re going to switch lives with your ideal client, just like Tom Hanks in the movie BIG.


No, I don’t have a Zoltar machine that you can use (it’s in the shop) but here’s what I want you to do:

First, imagine that you woke up in the body of your ideal client.

Fill in the blanks:

Then, imagine that you (as your ideal client) think…

“I’m sick of this problem, and I’m determined to figure it out!!”

Finally, imagine that you wake up the next day, still in the body of your ideal client.

But today, you’re not researching your problem.

It’s just a normal day, but you’re going to pay extra attention to what you’re doing when you get online throughout the day.

Write the story of what you imagine your ideal client does online all day (whether it’s true or not).

And if you’re stumped…

Then write down what YOU do all day.

I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do with this info tomorrow…

But first, if you’re thinking,

“But Shannon, I have lots of different things that I do!! I help lots of different kinds of people!! I can’t just pick one!!”

I still want you to just pick ONE and walk through this exercise – for just 15 minutes.

More on that tomorrow too.

It’s the most important 15 minutes you’ll spend on your marketing.

Until tomorrow!!
