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Our team, support and all product sales will be offline December 22 – January 3 for our annual holiday break. 🙌 Wishing you all a safe, happy, healthy holiday season from Team Shannon Mattern!

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WDA Live Strategy Call 01-04-2022

This’s Weeks Questions


00:00:27 Wendy Coop: Hello everyone!
00:00:49 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: Hey!
00:00:54 Laura Kåmark: WIN: I emailed my list!!!!
00:00:56 Nikki Bartholomew: Hello everyone!
00:01:04 Megan Harrington: Almost done with my mother site & template site!
00:01:08 Helen: Hi everyone!!
00:01:09 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: I finished 90% of my new landing page including my new pricing matrix.
00:01:21 Wendy Coop: Win: I wrote an 800-word article on why a business needs a website.
00:01:40 Cory Peterson: Win! I had a great collaboration session with Judy today! Go Team!
00:01:41 Patti Steorts: hello everyone
00:01:44 Leslie Zemenek: I committed to writing a book.
00:01:46 Kate Newnham: Hi! I rebranded 90% of my website to appeal to my new target audience of health, wellness, travel and adventure companies
00:01:58 Deanna: Booked 2 logo projects and a maintenance package yesterday ♥️
00:02:06 Caitlin Harrison: Win: listened to most of the modules and am almost through the work of module 2-3
00:02:06 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: Win: I DIDN’T work over the holidays! I legit had over a week off!!!
00:02:09 Trish Bovell: I wrote a blog post & mapped out a digital marketing plan for Jan & Feb.
00:02:10 Nikki Bartholomew: I sent out some more emails to potential clients, set up my po box in my business name, I took some time off for Christmas, I am almost done with my website…
00:02:11 Shalishia Lovelace-Jackson: hey!👋🏾 I started my Template shop
00:02:54 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: Wow Shalishia!! congrats! That is on my goal list this year!
00:03:17 Leigh Scott: A client just signed up for a maintenance package for the whole year!
00:03:38 Lisa Doiron: I took time off for the holidays also.
00:03:55 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: I have only one spot left for Q1 🙂
00:04:00 Wendy Coop: I love seeing all of these wins, especially the time you all took for self-care.
00:04:26 Amy Ogden: Great job everyone!
00:04:32 Kate Newnham: Yes amazing work!!!
00:04:37 Anchen Le Roux: 4 weeks off! But did listened to all of WDA
00:04:55 LaShae Dorsey: Y’all are amazing!!!!!
00:05:08 Nikki Bartholomew: CONGRATS Y’all!!!
00:05:10 Wendy Coop: Welcome to the fam!
00:05:15 Patti Steorts: You ladies are on fire!!!
00:07:00 Wendy Coop: That’s a great question Judy!
00:11:23 Kate Newnham: Darn…
00:11:44 judy bigham: Lol
00:11:57 Kate Newnham: I spent a crap load of time creating a freebie on what you just said not to do …
00:12:15 Nay Stevens: Lol Kate! You are not alone! Me too!
00:12:17 Amy Ogden: Oh Kate! That sucks, so sorry!
00:12:34 Laura Kåmark: Ooh, I can relate to that Michelle
00:12:42 Kate Newnham: Hahaha meh now I know…
00:13:27 LaShae Dorsey: So it’s created now @Kate can you reconsider how you use it or where you use it?
00:13:32 Janet Hoover: Michelle is all of us lol
00:13:33 judy bigham: Michelle I think the break was like falling into a black hole
00:13:39 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Kate, depending on what your freebie is, could you remove it as a freebie and instead offer as a low-cost product?
00:13:56 Nikki Bartholomew: Michelle just described my whole “relax time” over break LOL
00:14:05 Nikki Bartholomew: I am so glad that I am not the only one
00:14:06 Patti Steorts: I’m right there with ya Michelle!!!
00:14:14 Laura Kåmark: I feel this so much. I just found out our preschool has COVID and now they won’t be opening back up probably for all of January.
00:14:28 Lisa Doiron: I can relate too! Kids back to school date has been pushed back and we might be going back to online learning here so I am not sure how I will move forward.
00:14:42 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: It seriously took some hardcore determination to NOT work over the break. My husband was off, so I used him as my reason for not being “allowed” to work on my biz. LoL
00:15:53 Erica Nash: But I’m so good at the busy work 😂
00:16:02 Janet Hoover: Ha! Right?!
00:16:06 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: Right @Erica!?!? haha
00:16:06 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: I didn’t do any client work but I did a little non-client work. I was really aware of not spending hours at my desk… so I’d do one or two smaller things or spend an hour doing something, then I’d go spend time with the fam. Still felt hard!
00:16:07 Cory Peterson: Lol Erica
00:16:27 Deanna: Busy work vs. Move the Needle work ♥️
00:16:37 Laura Kåmark: YESSSS
00:16:38 Kate Newnham: Well nobody bought it when I did so I offered it for free and 4 people looked at it so that could lead to business… it’s all good @sez and @lashae
00:17:00 Kate Newnham: Omg Deanna totally learned that!!
00:17:26 Deanna: ♥️
00:17:48 Nikki Bartholomew: My kid is sitting on the dining room floor 10 ft away reading maple syrup production (for school) to his dad, while they take carpet out of my office… so I can set my desk back up.. because we needed to renovate that room over Christmas LOL
00:23:02 Kate Newnham: Shannon asks us to do uncomfortable stuff all the time! Hahah.
00:23:39 Caitlin Harrison: it feels freeing to be in control, that I can move a deadline if I need to… vs working for a boss/company where they control your time
00:23:52 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: I find myself procrastinating instead of emailing clients back. Awful habit which I plan to break this year.
00:23:53 Laura Kåmark: Procrastabranding!!!
00:23:59 Nikki Bartholomew: freeing and scary lol
00:24:06 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Haha love that Laura!
00:24:06 Wendy Coop: Yes, Laura! Procrastibranding!
00:24:11 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: LoL @Laura
00:24:12 Kate Newnham: Hahaha Laura!
00:24:13 Nay Stevens: haha! yes Laura!
00:24:30 Deanna: Perfect Laura
00:24:31 Amy Ogden: @ Wendy Procrstibranding lol!!
00:24:34 Patti Steorts: lol true story on procrastinating
00:24:36 Laura Kåmark: I got that message from a client last night to reschedule our VIP day Thursday
00:24:39 Kate Newnham: Worst case scenario, you have referrals in this group
00:24:43 LaShae Dorsey: So playing with Google Data Studio ISN’T some move the needle work … LOL
00:24:45 Laura Kåmark: I was like, YUP! Works for me!
00:25:08 judy bigham: Shannon Do you recommend putting brakes on freebie for now then?
00:25:38 Nikki Bartholomew: @Laura we need no procrastibranding stickers
00:25:48 Patti Steorts: I know when I procrastinate it’s me being scared of failing somewhere
00:25:51 Amy Ogden: @Nikki, I agree!
00:26:45 Wendy Coop: I’m so excited for this curriculum!
00:26:55 Nay Stevens: LOVE THAT SHANNON!
00:27:05 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Ooooh! That sounds awesome!
00:27:15 Erica Nash: 🤩
00:27:30 Trish Bovell: this is so awesome! Looking forward to it!
00:27:40 Leslie Zemenek: Ooh, this looks so exciting! Can’t wait!
00:27:53 LaShae Dorsey: 😍
00:28:36 Patti Steorts: ok great looking forward to it!
00:28:51 Nikki Bartholomew: I am so excited!
00:32:47 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: The most important part is the transformation you can provide your clients.
00:32:52 Leslie: The results are what convert.
00:33:01 Caitlin Harrison: yes I think its a shift in how I think of it all
00:34:55 Caitlin Harrison: a piece that has stuck out in listening ahead on the modules is also that “you dont guarantee results” which is a freeing thought. I have built websites that the client doesn’t do any marketing for so I don’t really have a case studies or “proof of conversion rates”
00:34:58 Caitlin Harrison: thank you 🙂
00:35:05 Patti Steorts: yes I am definitely shifting myself away from talking about deliverables. it’s tough.
00:35:46 Deanna: LOL – what would you do if you had the opposite problem? Someone who is packeting to the same demographic as I am charges $30K – including development. I can do the same thing without a developer – Is this just a “duh Deanna set your own price” situation?
00:36:09 Patti Steorts: Sometimes clients don’t know themselves so that’s what I am trying to provide for them.
00:36:49 leighscott: VIP days are definitely hard to plan for if you have inconsistent childcare
00:37:02 Deanna: Marketing not packeting LOL 🤦🏻‍♀️
00:39:58 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: Question: Do we have a lesson about how to do the Client Journey work for client’s websites?
00:41:11 Laura Kåmark: Hi Shadow!!
00:41:19 Nikki Bartholomew: Hi Puppers
00:41:22 Wendy Coop: Great question!
00:41:31 Wendy Coop: Hi Shadow!
00:42:49 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: If you have a niche, your websites will look very similar anyway. I do start from a template that has all plugins, etc. but the websites look very different from each other. You can see it in my portfolio. All templates, completely different looking: https://soulbusinessdesign.com/portfolio-testimonials/
00:44:15 Wendy Coop: Think of the different packages as how much of you and your expertise they get.
00:45:40 Wendy Coop: I feel like as women we put that extra work and pressure on ourselves.
00:45:44 Caitlin Harrison: I had the same thought when I started using managewp the other week vs logging into each client site to update things
00:45:55 Nay Stevens: Absolutely Wendy!
00:45:56 Caitlin Harrison: is it cheating?!
00:46:02 Patti Steorts: yes management is a life saver
00:46:10 Patti Steorts: managewp
00:46:13 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: That was a BIG mindset shift I needed. I put that extra pressure on myself to create something bespoke for everyone… that’s not what they’re after. They want the transformation for their biz.
00:46:16 Patti Steorts: can’t type
00:46:34 Janet Hoover: Same, Barb
00:46:47 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: It’s liberating letting that way of thinking go!
00:47:23 Patti Steorts: This is all good insight
00:47:52 Deanna: You answered a lot of my questions with that too 🙂
00:49:51 Amy Ogden: @Mariela, thank you so much this helps. I also use Divi, looks like you do too.
00:50:14 Wendy Coop: I would want to know what she had in mind as well.
00:50:44 Amy Ogden: Shadow is continuing to yell at me so I have to run and walk him before he takes over the house! Lol! Wish I could stay for the rest of the session but I’ll catch the reply. Thanks everyone!
00:50:53 Wendy Coop: See you Amy!
00:50:59 Nikki Bartholomew: have a great walk and week Amy!
00:52:00 Nay Stevens: @Amy if you still wanted to offer different designs, you might be able to create a few different templates to use (similar to previous client sites)… just a thought. That way you already have them and have some variety
00:56:05 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: Very much so, Deanna (((hugs)))
You’re worth $30k just as much as this other team is.
00:56:21 Janet Hoover: Yes!!
00:57:03 Nikki Bartholomew: and done well and correctly
01:00:40 Nikki Bartholomew: I am a website snob lol When it is hard to navigate, I exit stage left and complain loudly about it LOL
01:00:55 Laura Kåmark: @nikki SAME!!!
01:01:13 Deanna: @nikki YESSS
01:02:24 Erica Nash: 🥳🥳🥳
01:02:34 Nikki Bartholomew: I just got chills
01:02:35 Laura Kåmark: I’ll jump on that train
01:02:40 Kate Newnham: Wow!
01:02:42 Licia Dantas: 🙌
01:02:42 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Same, Nikki!
01:02:49 Patti Steorts: yes!!! BIG money!!!
01:02:50 Robin Smith: WOW…great goals! I hope we all hit it!
01:02:53 Janet Hoover: 😍
01:02:58 Patti Steorts: I’m ready for that!!!
01:02:58 Leslie Zemenek: Yes!
01:03:00 Caitlin Harrison: amazing!! yes please!!
01:03:57 Patti Steorts: This academy has helped immensely already. 2022 to be a big revenue year!!!
01:04:53 Laura Kåmark: “Is the Juice worth the squeeze?” LOL
01:05:33 Patti Steorts: Definitely excited for the new module!!!
01:06:30 Laura Kåmark: QUESTION: Are you going to be talking about the 4 questions to ask before making an investment, and how to talk to clients about those?
01:11:04 Nikki Bartholomew: my January calendar has you guys several times a week 😀
01:11:18 Kate Newnham: Amazing!!! Love learning Live
01:11:23 Nay Stevens: 😮 Amazing!!!!
01:12:30 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: When we say “premium” clients, what price range are we talking about?
01:12:36 Robin Smith: Are the times Eastern or Central?
01:12:42 Trish Bovell: how soon after recording will they be posted? For instance, I cannot attend on Tuesday but would like to watch soon.
01:12:47 Wendy Coop: These ALL need to go on my calendar!
01:12:48 Kate Newnham: Depends @mariela!
01:13:02 Kate Newnham: Mine is $8,500 but not sure what others charge.
01:13:24 Leslie Zemenek: Is it okay to come for part of one? I have some conflicts for some of those hours.
01:13:35 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: @Kate thanks!
01:13:52 Janet Hoover: Very exciting!
01:14:16 Nikki Bartholomew: Holy busy Month Shannon!
01:15:09 Laura Kåmark: Times are Eastern, right?
01:15:11 Wendy Coop: So we are all invited to attend the live teaching sessions?
01:15:46 Barb ✨ Infinity Brand Design: I have to hop off but I’ll see year 2’s manana!! 💖
Great to see y’all today! I’ve missed the WDA Fam!
01:15:55 Janet Hoover: Bye, Barb!
01:15:57 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Seriously, so excited for the new curriculum! (The live calls will be about 2am my time so I’ll catch the replays 😉 )
01:15:59 Nikki Bartholomew: have a great night Barb!
01:16:00 Wendy Coop: Bye barb!
01:16:31 Wendy Coop: Sweet!
01:16:50 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: When we say “premium” clients, what price range are we talking about? – I’m curious now that we are talking so much about premium in the new WDA 😀
01:17:11 Wendy Coop: @mariela – that’s entirely up to you!
01:18:20 Laura Kåmark: That’s Deanna’s medium package, $50k is her high package 😉
01:18:33 Kate Newnham: Omg!! I could never…
01:18:39 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: Ok. Well, coming from $600 in 2020, $3,500 now feels pretty premium lol… But I’m going to up that to $7,500 soon…
01:18:42 Nikki Bartholomew: Get it Deanna!
01:18:47 Laura Kåmark: @Kate my palms are sweating after typing that
01:18:48 Patti Steorts: yes 50k feels good!
01:18:48 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: I was 🤯 when a friend/biz owner said she paid $10K-$15K for ‘simple’ websites!!
01:18:57 Deanna: HOLY CRAP 😱
01:19:03 Kate Newnham: Ha @laura!!
01:19:10 Deanna: I’ll take that dare!!!
01:19:17 Laura Kåmark: @deanna DO ITTTTTT!!!
01:19:22 Janet Hoover: Yes, Deanna!
01:19:23 Laura Kåmark: I got your back girl!!!
01:19:43 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: YESSSSS Deanna! (And YES!!! to Mariela as well!!0
01:19:45 Deanna: ♥️♥️♥️
01:19:49 Laura Kåmark: You can downsell the $30k
01:20:02 Patti Steorts: lol
01:20:11 Deanna: Lol – for 30K I’ll LOOK at your site – maybe breathe on it LOL
01:20:22 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: LOL Deanna!
01:20:30 Nay Stevens: Bahahaha Deanna
01:20:34 Cory Peterson: lol
01:20:37 Laura Kåmark: LOLOLOLOL @deanna
01:20:37 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: I tried increasing from $2,500 to $6,000 last summer and no one bought… but I think I was totally in the wrong mindset…
01:20:55 Patti Steorts: Mindset is everything!
01:21:03 Laura Kåmark: @patti yes it is!!!
01:21:27 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Can totally understand that – I think that’s my main issue right now
01:21:53 Wendy Coop: I have to get going but it’s always great to see the fam!
01:21:54 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: I was almost apologizing for 6k lol…
01:21:55 LaShae Dorsey: I had to come out of the Fiverr mindset that said no one would buy if I was over $100 or $200 and I’ve doubled that (and yes I know it’s still too low.)
01:22:10 Nikki Bartholomew: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9m09zbkypak7fl/procrastibranding.png?dl=0 a gift LOL
01:22:34 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Hahaha Nikki – tattoo it on my forehead
01:22:34 Lisa Doiron: I am really excited for the new curriculum!
01:22:40 Patti Steorts: 6 figure earner. I’m doing that!
01:23:00 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: @LaShae, that’s where I actually started while side-hustling… my first website was $200 😀
01:23:05 Erica Nash: Shannon, it’s so beautiful to see this all come together! So proud of you.
01:23:41 Janet Hoover: Very cool!!
01:23:48 Patti Steorts: Nice!
01:23:48 Nikki Bartholomew: Digital Swag!
01:23:54 Nay Stevens: LOVE IT!!
01:23:58 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Yeeewww! Love the swag!
01:23:59 Lisa Doiron: NICE!
01:24:00 Nikki Bartholomew: Thank you guys!
01:24:04 Janet Hoover: Ooooooo
01:24:21 Caitlin Harrison: this is all so incredible! and overwhelming in the best way
01:24:33 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – soulbusinessdesign.com/week: I remember the brownie that you sent me to Germany in 2017 when I first joined 😀
01:24:34 Erica Nash: 🖤🖤🖤 send em my way! haha
01:24:45 Nikki Bartholomew: I am so freaking excited! Erica you rock!
01:24:58 Janet Hoover: WOO!! Nice, Erica!
01:24:59 Patti Steorts: ooohh brownies!
01:25:01 Lisa Doiron: Awesome Erica!
01:25:03 Cory Peterson: Chills! You guys are so amazing!
01:25:11 Laura Kåmark: @mariela I got a brownie too! I still have the welcome postcard
01:25:14 LaShae Dorsey: so excited for 2022!!!!!!
01:25:15 judy bigham: I love me a whiteboard!
01:25:26 Nay Stevens: Seriously the best place on the web – WDAFAM
01:25:32 Janet Hoover: Thank you, Shannon! And happy new year people!!
01:25:37 Nikki Bartholomew: I am so excited! Have a great week!