Hey there!👋

Our team, support and all product sales will be offline December 22 – January 3 for our annual holiday break. 🙌 Wishing you all a safe, happy, healthy holiday season from Team Shannon Mattern!

WDA Live Strategy Call 09-07-2021

This’s Weeks Questions


00:01:50 Wendy Coop: Win: I’ve been taking in-person cooking classes and I was able to make it today!
00:01:57 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: I have been working HARD on mindset and manifestation. I have a new client onboarding this week.
00:02:03 Racheal Graham: Finally here live instead of listening to the replay 🙂
00:02:42 Erica Nash: I have a discovery call in an hour! My goal is to land a new client this week, so 👏🏼
00:02:52 Cory Peterson: I’m at a spot where I want to review all the WDA training and getting all the goodies again as I walk the dog and clean out my cabinets.
00:03:13 Lori Reeves: I had a HUGE win last Wednesday…for the first library website I’m working on, they had Spectrum before and the Spectrum online interface is HORRIBLE. They wanted to use the domain name they had through Spectrum but in my hosting account. It took me 8 DAYS and over 3 hours of support calls to finally get the domain transfer initiated!!!! It’s still not transferred yet, but it felt like a HUGE win to get someone on the phone (finally!) who understood that I have been getting the runaround and actually do what needed to be done to help me. UGH!!
00:03:27 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: The You are a Badass series has been incredible. I joined a journaling group (and I effing HATE journaling)
00:03:27 Lori Reeves: Yay Erica!
00:03:37 Wendy Coop: Yay for everyone!
00:03:45 Lori Reeves: And yay Erika!!
00:04:20 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: Cory, I JUST cleaned all my cabinets yesterday!
00:04:49 Laura Kåmark: WIN: I booked a branding photoshoot for tomorrow!!!
00:04:58 Nay Stevens: Not WDA related, but I am working with a biz partner organising a summit and we have half of our speakers confirmed!! Feels like a huge win
00:05:51 Laura Kåmark: @erika check out Denise DT
00:06:04 Wendy Coop: I second Denise Duffield-Thomas.
00:06:18 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: Thanks Laura and Wendy, I’ll go check her out now
00:06:30 Laura Kåmark: Oh, and I’m going to do it barefoot
00:06:47 Parisa: @Laura! That sound awesome 😀
00:07:38 Wendy Coop: You should definitely get paid for that!
00:10:05 Lori Reeves: Parisa, I’ll be offering 1-hour brainstorming sessions (I’ll be calling them BrandStorming) but it’s the same basic idea.
00:10:16 Wendy Coop: I did something similar with a new client who wants help with her memoir. She is booking a half day (3 hours) and we are going to hammer out her outline so we can work on it together and she has a plan to write her book.
00:10:58 Lori Reeves: The free consultation is just you talking to them about what their issues are so you can identify which of your services match up with what could help them.
00:11:25 Lori Reeves: That’s PAID content, though.
00:11:43 Lori Reeves: You giving them answers is what you should charge for. You’re just asking questions in your consultation.
00:14:48 Lori Reeves: Parisa, the basics of this kind of information is what your membership could be about, and then people who want your brain 1:1 will pay for a session with you.
00:15:05 Laura Kåmark: what about a paid audit?
00:16:16 Lori Reeves: DIYers would be perfect for your membership of the basic info, though!
00:26:55 Parisa: SAME!
00:29:39 Leslie Zemenek: The times for that workshop are awfully early for us west coasters.
00:30:00 Laura Kåmark: @ruha thank you!
00:30:03 Erica Nash: Ruha! 😂🖤
00:30:32 Leslie Zemenek: Yes
00:30:50 Leslie Zemenek: For me to be dressed and have the dogs fed by then is impossible
00:30:59 Lori Reeves: Shannon, the day of the 7 am workshop was the day I needed, but I can’t start a business meeting at 6 am
00:31:18 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: I’m stoked, you’re just going to have to see my “I just woke up.. let me chug this coffee to function” face.
00:32:05 Erica Nash: I think I missed something … what workshop is this? It sounds like something I need, lol.
00:32:24 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: Erica, it’s a deep dive for the top 25
00:32:51 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: The intensive is 4.5 hours long – please plan to attend the entire time!

We’ll also have breaks, and please plan ahead for any meals that fall during the intensive.

You’re going to be taking MASSIVE, MESSY ACTION during this workshop to get your next client, so get ready to release all your fears, doubts and worries so you can get your next client!
00:33:00 Erica Nash: Where do I find the sign up?
00:33:04 Lori Reeves: FB
00:33:11 Erica Nash: Thank you!
00:33:59 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fshannonmattern.com%2Fnextclient%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0hohJOQE5P-vNisiaRQY0K0uX9pfVpOaJRKvwaCuVp9R7P-wN_poewJ2Q&h=AT0wkIT5XkMTQCfyZndIbPRtRPHQ-bpg7GGNW2IiKeH3wJvfA4qcHUmqzrj3OPPDAaE33XRead0dq0swYRGwxaTa-BL6fyJHiVDBL0yfDgduJpxOWcamX00bShGesChVxCRAFA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1HMoV1982AHBp-3VQnKWB-adjdewoIPKyVZF86Popsc75cfz21T7ehpC-AQXeWQpHMshD_sDV3g0u2bbL1D-I2IFMMAbHl6auLqhcgsLpfSdCInQflYBvUGFE8bpqENxRt3wEyus9u2xGBXCfwnmkt8yE6zb0qtOs
00:34:24 Erica Nash: Thank you!!
00:34:25 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: Oh jeez, sorry for that link – but it’ll get you there
00:35:36 Parisa: Would you consider web design a long game?
00:36:41 Parisa: Yeah building a funnel is a long game.
00:41:01 Nay Stevens: @Ruha I just searched my emails and if you are a founding member, I received an email in November last year with all of the details in there.
00:44:43 Wendy Coop: The training with Katie was amazing!
00:46:00 Wendy Coop: Barb!
00:47:07 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Hi Fam! Sorry I’m late!
Just hopped off a “Client Attraction Strategy” call with a client.
00:47:25 Laura Kåmark: I found the post in WDA under announcements: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpdevacademy/posts/2335783879889345/
00:47:32 Laura Kåmark: For the workshop*
00:48:25 Wendy Coop: Hey Barb!
00:48:56 Wendy Coop: Also, don’t forget the workshop this week with Alecia St. Germain https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpdevacademy/permalink/2333266300141103
00:54:47 Parisa: Oooo…love it. Being busy is not the goal
00:54:56 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: teach me, Erika!
00:54:56 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: haha
00:55:18 Cory Peterson: brilliant Erika
00:55:21 Erica Nash: Ok, I’m hopping off for my call. Such a good nugget before I leave! Busy is not the goal. See you guys later!
00:55:27 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: It’s harder than it seems but so good.
00:55:33 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: Good luck Erica, you’ve got this
01:00:13 Lori Reeves: I’m 44
01:00:20 Leslie Zemenek: Im 62!
01:00:20 Wendy Coop: I’m 41 almost 42.
01:00:31 Jennifer Westbrook: I’m 42
01:00:32 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: I’m 40, ’bout to be 41 in November
01:00:42 judy bigham: ummm 54
01:00:46 Nay Stevens: Over 40 here too, 43
01:01:00 Cory Peterson: 45 🙂
01:01:00 Jennifer Westbrook: I can relate
01:03:48 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Your audience awaits you!
01:05:37 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Say that louder for the people in the back!
01:06:57 Laura Kåmark: I could never get my design or copy to be what I wanted, so I hired a designer and a copywriter…now I love my website and feel like it is in alignment with my message and my brand
01:07:48 Lori Reeves: Even just having persistence is valuable. With my win this week, I saved my client 8 days and over 3 hours of support calls. I couldn’t use the online portal. It made NO sense. And I had a hard time articulating what I was trying to do on the phone because it was such a confusing system. I didn’t get it done – the person who worked support for Spectrum did. But that’s VALUABLE.
01:08:38 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Get it Lori!!! That’s SOOOO valuable!
01:18:31 Erika ⚡ Brazen Babes Design: Thank you Shannon. This call was awesome
01:19:17 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Glad I caught this before y’all ended! Was eager to see y’all!
01:19:22 Cory Peterson: Any homework we should do before that workshop?
01:20:17 Cory Peterson: top 25?